The Last Cuentista

In Language Art class we recently read a book called The Last Cuentista. In The Last Cuentista the main character Petra likes to tell stories just like her grandmother. Petra’s stories are called cuentos. In her cuentos, she usually tells tales and other short stories. Petra inspired me and my classmates to write are own cuento. My cuento was about my mom.

In The Last Cuentista Petra is part of the collective who are trying to start a better life on a planet called Sagan. I wrote what my ideal world would be like. Everyone has different views on the world so it was fun to see other people’s ideal worlds compared to mine.

My school has been lucky enough to have Peg Gignoux come to our school to help us create our own handmade books! The project took about two weeks to complete. On the first day, we started by experimenting with Akua ink printing with leaves and other plants. We would need the leaves later when we built our book. On the next day, we picked out the color we wanted our books to be. I picked pink. We built out books by folding the paper until it formed a book. Then we started cutting out the leaves we made earlier and collaging it all over our book. I went for a pink and orange theme. After we collaged, we cut out an opening for the scenery in our book!

That penultimate step was making a cover page. We cut out the letters for our title and glued them on. Finally, we glued in our ideal world blog post and our cuento and finally our book was done.

The Last Cuentista was a very good book that I recommended so much that lead to so many fun blog posts and projects!

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